08/08/2015; 03:53:
And, I’m back to writing at oddly curious times; clearly, all my efforts at establishing a normal sleep schedule have been futile!
Let’s get right where we left off- the morning of 5th August which began with a mid-morning MicroEconomics class where we’ve now moved over to the production side, having dealt with the consumer front to some extent; an Operations Management class where we discussed the rate of production of shirts, followed. A form announcing Chunauti ‘15 - the annual inter-batch sports extravaganza - found its way to our inboxes at some weird hour of the night (or morning’d be more apt, perhaps!)
We later received some rather terrible news- the institute boundary wall, unable to bear the brunt of the relentless rain- had, in part, collapsed- right next to Gate 3 and there was certain irreparable loss. Honestly, there is never a right way to deal with such a situation; an overwhelming feeling of helpless sorrow is the best anyone can muster.
Later in the night, once I was back from my rèsumè iteration session,we received an e-mail offering the opportunity to participate in an IIM-Indore private league on the Fantasy Premier League portal; with playing season due to start soon, this opportunity was immediately seized. I began to curate a team, until an error message informed me that I’d selected way too many players from Chelsea! What! They’re a brilliant team; I can’t help but like them all! Anyway, some compromise had to be made and I soon had a team- looking forward to the start of the season!
After a few morning classes, there was an OB quiz to look forward to, at 3:30 p.m.; the quiz was fairly straight-forward and only 15 minutes long!
Toastmasters held their open session at 8 p.m., to let everyone know about the concept and the power of good public speaking skills! Membership has been thrown open on FCFS basis- they have space for only about 50 members- that perhaps being the optimum group size to allow for positive learning. What I find most interesting about the whole set-up is the ‘uhm’ counter- one person’s designated role is to count the number of unnatural pauses that each speaker manages in their (usually) 3 minute speech! Someone actually listens with rapt enough attention to catch every little ‘umm’ and ‘ah’ you utter!
Some attempt at getting the hang of journal entries, balance sheets and depreciation followed- the biggest success was definitely the chicken biryani we had (since our venue of choice was Mess 2!) Meanwhile, all clubs held the final round in the selection process- a bunch of interviews!
7th morning began with us continuing our discussion on the production of shirts. We then proceeded to wander around, waiting for the MicroEconomics Quiz papers that were to be shown at 2 p.m. My marks look fairly okay, what with a rather disappointing class average.
At 4 p.m., everyone filed into their designated classrooms for the Accounts quiz. It was an hour-long and easier than what we’d expected! Section A & B had had their quiz earlier and had us all prepared for a difficult, impossible to finish paper! Those guys meanwhile got to attend a guest lecture!
Right after the quiz, we made good use of the 1+1 offer that Domino’s was running. Meanwhile, all the prospective candidates for the various clubs wandered around campaigning, having sent in their manifestos.
Basketball Trials for PGP-1 with the main motive of forming a team for Chunauti were held at 10 p.m.; less ladies than the requisite for a team showed up! We then spent an hour playing before heading off to vote for our favourites from among the club-hopefuls! The voting began at 11:45 and continued till nearly 3 a.m.- interspersed with a Media Comm meeting where we divided our work for the year and multiple ‘chai visits’ to the night mess!
Once everyone successfully cast their votes, I sauntered back to my hostel and decided to get writing!
The results should be out anytime now! Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to the SpreadSheet Modelling class at 8:45 and some sleep might just be a good idea!
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