04/08/2015; 05:06:
I really, really should start sleeping at some human hour!
We had our first SpreadSheet Modelling class, this morning. Since most of the class is familiar with Excel, class was mostly the professor teaching us more efficient ways of getting things done. Mainly, I learnt that Excel comes equipped with its very own camera tool that diligently snaps pictures of the working area of any excel sheet!
Once class was over, I retreated to my room and promptly feel asleep; I only stirred after repeated banging on my door, and, that only at 7 p.m. Other than my door-banging friend, I also woke up to a flurry of e-mails- announcing quizzes, guest lectures and the daily list of absentees that the PGP Office sends us. It is a very thoughtful move- one is immediately made aware that one missed class and that the leave request form ought to be filled out. This definitely saves one from facing problems later on, when unauthorized absences are called up and result in grade cuts.
I then strolled around campus and got myself bhutta (corn); I then attempted to work on my rèsumè before heading over to the Sports Complex- with the very first Media Comm event that's being held after the junior team's been selected, we decided to make ourselves useful. Not too much though, we just put up banners for the event on the evening of 4th August.
Some food at the night mess later, I finally got around to incorporating all the changes that my mentor had suggested- my rèsumè looks understandably better now! Also, the pre-processes for the clubs have begun and all the Merchand-I aspirants have been sending out surveys related to different classes of FMCG products- they perhaps need the data for some analysis! I dutifully filled out all the surveys and even suggested edits to some of 'em! I fill out all surveys that are sent out for mainly two reasons- the guys sending out the surveys definitely do need the data for some reasonably necessary purpose and I feel that if I ever sent out a survey, I'd appreciate responses- do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That thought really drives most of my social interaction and it'd be nice if more people subscribed to it! Also, some of the surveys are fun!
Well, nobody really cares what I (or anyone else for that matter!) think; what I could (well, should) really care about is my sleep schedule, but, that's a dilemma for another day!
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