Wednesday, 18 March 2015


18/03/15; 23:00:

It’s been an almost long day, with 5 classes, starting right at 8:45 this morning.

Late on Saturday night, an e-mail was sent out to all those who made it to Round-2 of the Atharv Coordinator selections. The e-mail was sent out at around 1 a.m. The applicants were all to send in their résumés and Statements of Purpose by 6 a.m. i.e. in a few hours, in the middle of the night! They were then asked to report to the SR-17 Common Room at 7 a.m.! On reporting thus, the 20 candidates, who had successfully made it past the first round, were asked to organize into pairs for the next task. They were all to prepare an Action Plan for Atharv 2015!

On the night of 16th March, students of all three batches were invited to be part of Round-2 of the selection process. Each duo was to present their Action Plan to an auditorium full of IPM students, with the Core Committee of Atharv ’14 all perched on the first row, looking on, scrutinizing their every move. The well, event began by 9:30 p.m.; we were all there by 9 p.m., hurriedly deciding the criteria on which the hopefuls were to be marked. The presentations encompassed details of all the different verticals that would be needed to conduct the fest – Marketing, Sponsorship, Hospitality, Events, Informals, Events Coverage, Creatives, Logistics, Participation, Finance, Operations and more; the Pi Quiz, detailed time-lines of the months leading up to the fest; problems encountered during Atharv ’14 and their solutions and more. Everyone shot questions to the mostly patient, composed candidates.
The whole thing went on till a little after 1 a.m. post which everyone returned to their rooms.
I capered about the hostel, putting in flyers at each door- flyers that would let everyone know that Zephyr – that’s what our Psychological Well Being Circle shall be called- is all set to begin!

On Tuesday, the newly opened Laundromat announced its decision to now stay open 24 hours! They’re doing good business, what with people wanting to supervise their own laundry washing!
Meanwhile, the Pi Shop is all set to organize Polythene Reuse Campaign; everyone is encouraged to deposit their used polythene bags at designated collection points – these shall be reused by the Pi Shop.
We heard from Greenpeace, sometime ago; pretty much everyone other than me got an offer letter from them. I felt a little bad; but, I soon learnt that Sankalp Foundation, Banglore- the place that I want to intern at- would be conducting interviews soon.

Today was rather eventful. We had 5 classes, right from 8:45 in the morning. As the pre-lunch session ended at 1 p.m., the IPM Office asked to see some of us; I then received the news that I had an interview with Sankalp lined up later that evening i.e. at 4 p.m. I was rather excited, for I rather like what Sankalp is doing on the whole making blood donation entirely voluntary front. My interview was conducted over the telephone, was about 15 minutes long and was very enjoyable. I was asked about the various points on my résumé including my role as Media Comm. Coordinator, my story of being the PR &Marketing Head for Atharv ’14 & Ranbhoomi ’15, my being co-founder of our educational initiative, i-Help and my project on Measuring & Analyzing the Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index at Ashraward Khurd, Madhya Pradesh. The internship involves a lot of travelling, which I am looking forward to; my sole apprehension is not being able to speak the local language i.e. Kannada. I hoping to hear from Sankalp soon, hoping to hear positive things at that too!

Later in the evening, Shruti & I spent time with Prarthana ma’am, working out the details of Zephyr and fixing a date & time for the first session. This was followed by a SAC EC meeting- the SAC Coordinator and Treasurer for the next academic year have to be picked; a set of pre-processes must be designed for the same. Later in the night, a form was sent out, asking for nominations. We cycled around campus and later got ourselves chilled milk at the Pi Shop.

The Dance Club has sent out e-mails, announcing a Merengue Workshop, sometime in April. I shall now find a partner, preferably the Dance Club Coordinator and sign myself up!

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