Sunday, 18 January 2015


17/01/2015; 23:34:

15th aka Thursday aka holiday (yay!) was spent mostly sleeping (like all other holidays). Meanwhile, campus roadies made good progress, holding a task early on a holiday morning. All the roadies hopefuls gathered at the Sports Complex at 7 a.m. They were then divided into 4 teams- a task was in order. It mostly involved running; from the Sports Complex to Gate 1, back to the Sports Complex, to Gate 3 and then all the way up the Sports Complex stairs. Another round was held on the next night i.e. 16th. This was aimed at testing muscle strength and had a version of 'Push-the-Opponent-Out-of-the-Circle' for the male participants and Arm-Wrestling for the female participants.
I was out roaming on the 15th, and then again on the 16th. The 2012 Batch guys won Clan Raid – the Inter-Batch Counter-Strike Tournament, the first of its kind, organized by ReSpawn (the IPM Gaming Self-Interest Group). Meanwhile, our team is now in the final of the Basketball League.
There was a CSI Quiz on 16th morning; the junior batch had a Money, Banking & Finance End Term. We’re making good progress with ‘R’, in the Econometrics classes. In the evening, we decided that we should try our hand at baking brownies. And of course, it had to be in a big way. We set out, on impulse, to buy ingredients worth over 2k, with the intention of doling out many brownies.
All of 17th morning and afternoon were spent waiting for it to be evening. Adaa- the Drama Club had an event, ‘Spotlight, that began at 7 p.m. We took over JAM (Juices And More) and began working on our brownies. Each plate was deemed complete only with 2 scoops of ice-cream, chocolate sauce and nuts on top. The chocolate sauce was prepared from scratch and was delicious. I was all set to lick the pan, but, someone beat me to it while I was washing the other vessels. Adaa’s event was very enjoyable- they hosted events ranging from Stand-Up Comedy to Dumb Charades with a Twist. Meximus was on campus; nachos and brownies complement each other perfectly. The brownies were well appreciated; we actually ran out of brownies and had to turn people away before we shut shop!

In other news, registrations for Ranbhoomi are open; we’re looking for a possible pro-night as well.

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