Saturday, 22 November 2014


22/11/2014 ; 02:04:

The week just went by in a blur, with the mid-terms and the cricket matches.

15th evening was the last day of IRiS. Coke Studio had been contacted and Agnee – the band- set the stage on fire, true to their name.

A kid from the 2014 batch decided to record a video of the raita in the mess, since its consistency did not live up to his standard. He then mailed the video to the Infrastructure Committee and his whole batch, complete with hashtags including #raitamainpaaniyapaanimeinraita and #boondikaraita.

On the evening of the 16th, the MM professor was nice enough to hold a doubt-clearing session, on the eve of the mid-term.
17th was the Mathematical Modelling mid-term. 18th was the Human Rights mid-term and 19th was the Geography mid-term.

Right before the Human Rights mid-term began, there was a bunch of wailing puppies, near the classroom; no one could quite understand why they were wailing, though it seemed obvious that they were hungry. By the time the mid-term was over, a bunch of the classroom attendants had organized milk and warmth for the puppies, much to everyone’s satisfaction.

The IPM Cricket League is in full swing. We’re just back from watching the semi-finals! The final is set to be Rishi Rowdies v/s Akshay Aces – both teams from the 2012 Batch!

On the 17th, we were greeted with the happy news that 3 of our batch-mates had done the institute proud by winning a National B-Plan competition that was held in Mumbai, with their plan for Roof It- roofing solutions.

The week also saw a couple of newspapers/magazines including the Business Standard and India Today writing about the IPM Programme as an innovation in education. Each of us was really proud to see our course receive such positive coverage.

On the 18th, we received an e-mail from the Literary Club, regarding the revival of the hugely popular ‘Writer’s Den’ event from last year. It’s essentially a creative writing competition, with a 500-word limit on the entries and a new theme each week. The topic for the first week is themed on Harry Potter & reads ‘I AM THE WAND THAT CHOSE TOM RIDDLE’.

Mirage- the Creative Club held its first event for the year – BrandMaster – Logo/Advertising Quiz. It was a rather quick, 10-minute quiz and was fairly interesting. We’re looking forward to solving a second edition, soon!

The second half of the batch went on the trip to SPS, in Dewas. It was hotter and their trip was a lot more tiring than the first group’s!

The Media Committee is doing a good job of sending out a weekly newsfeed for the benefit of the IPM Community- the newsfeed ought to help the IPM kids keep track of what is going on the world around them!

A SAC EC meeting was held on the night of the 20th at 11 p.m. The proposed Gaming SIG (Self Interest Group) has been given a go-ahead and the idea of a data sever which houses all academic material relevant to the IPM course is being actively looked into. The Social Committee plans to pick up a rather extensive project in Khargone district, working with an NGO called Aasthagram that has been working in the area for over 25 years now.

In other news, the IGNOU Hall Tickets are out and a couple of exams have been rescheduled from the original plan, courtesy the State Elections in Bihar.

Also, JAM-Juices & More- has announced plans to hold a Cook Off, sometime soon. The prospect of innovative food looks rather promising.

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