Sunday, 26 October 2014


26/10/2014; 03:20:

The highlight of the 24th was the successful rescue-mission that we undertook. Our 3 basketballs that had landed into construction pits were gallantly rescued by 3 of our team members working in tandem. This activity was undertaken at around 5:30 p.m. and was successfully completed in about 20 minutes. We then treated ourselves to Keema parathas and ice-cream in the Food Court.

Volleyball practice followed soon after. And of course, our post-dinner exploits continued uninterrupted, on the basketball court. This was followed by writing late into the wee hours of the morning, while watching the latest season of Grey’s Anatomy.

25th saw the very first SAC body meeting for the new academic year. Core members of all the committees and clubs were present, in a meeting chaired by the SAC-Coordinator. Unfortunately however, the 2014 Batch is on vacation and the kids missed the very first meeting. The main agenda of the meeting was an introduction session, to ensure that every member of the SAC knows every other member. The meeting began at 9:00 p.m. and lasted around an hour or so.
Immediately after, the SAC EC- Executive Committee, met for the first time too. The SAC EC comprises of the SAC-Coordinator, the SAC-Treasurer and the coordinators of the 5 committees- namely the Sports, Media, Social, Academic and Infrastructure Committees. Matters discussed in this first meeting included a proposal to start a Laundromat service in the institute, the formation of new Self-Interest-Groups and the idea of conducting a Sports Fest in the last week of February.

We rushed off for Basketball practice as soon as the meeting was over. After practice, we ended up at our usual post-practice haunt- the Night Mess. Diwali sweets, courtesy one of the team members was a perfect close to the evening.

Now, IRIS- the PGP cultural-cum-management fest is just around the corner. E-mails containing details of the various events are being sent out, periodically and, life is interesting!

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