Thursday, 24 July 2014


22/07/2014; 15:30:

It was my room-mate’s birthday, yesterday. I felt like James Bond, sneaking a cake into the room & hiding her gifts, all without her managing to even get a whiff of my plan. Now, since it is her birthday, like a good room-mate, I ought to make her day special. Of course, I fully intend to.
Everyone has quirky room-mate stories, some even borderline disgusting. This isn’t the latter; it might not even qualify as a story, but, well.

10 reasons why my Room-Mate is, well, for sake of politeness, different:

1. All the students on campus have laptops, for a lot of our studying happens through online source and power point presentations. My room-mate has a Desktop; she claims that it is mainly for the 23 inches that it has to offer.
2. Most of the girls have pillows (I couldn’t say the same about the boys!) that are rectangular, you know, regular-sized. She has two tiny cotton-stuffed squares that she tries to pass off as pillows.
3. There is a large bag of GoDiva exotic chocolates on our coffee table that I was thrilled to spot. I eagerly opened it and extracted the contents only to find several green-tea bags. Such deceit!
4. Most persons use their bed-side tables to stash alarm clocks, tablets, chocolates and buttons. Ours has been deemed to be a shoe-rack, ever since my room-mate spotted it.
5. Adding insult to injury is a tin of delicious-looking butter cookies that houses Jalani Jal Jeera sachets.
6. The Executive Residence beds are all box-beds, to allow extra storage space. Most people have dumped rarely-if-ever accessed items here. My room-mate keeps her notebooks in here, notebooks that are used every day.
7. Most non-engineering students cart their dysfunctional mobile phones to a service centre, my room-mate calmly opened up hers and diagnosed the problem herself. I am actually in awe at her deftness with a screw-driver in specific and all tools in general.
Currently, one Wi-Fi router has been set-up and delivered and another lies on our spare chair, awaiting her attention.
8. Okay, so much for 10.
9. She’s fun!
10. Happy Birthday, Room-mate!

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