Sunday, 1 June 2014


31/05/2014 ; 19:02 :

I'm sitting in the lawn outside my hostel. Cool (well, almost) breeze is blowing which is the perfect complement to the warm summer evening. 29th of May was the last working day of Term VI- the last working day of our second year, in fact! The girls' Hostel is nearly empty, as is the campus. It's so quiet; this place is never quiet. I hear crickets chirping, just far away enough to make it sound pleasant. There are a few birds in the sky and many insects in the grass. Nature likes summer. I see three other people - the guard of the Boys' hostel , the guard of the Girls' hostel and an FPM student who was just telling me a little about publishing research papers. He just published one and his topic sounds really grand to me - something under an area that merges Operations & Electronics.

Well, Term Break's begun and I'll leave for the Railway station in about an hour. There are parents to be hugged, a brother to be troubled, good food to be eaten, friends to be met , ice-cream to be licked , places to be seen, shopping to be done and writing to be enjoyed -- all waiting for me!

These last ten days just went by in a blur. Our end term exams started, and ran one after the other, in quick succession. We had a PT (Physical Training) test on the morning of the 24th wherein I managed to sprain my back while doing crunches. What followed was 36 hours of uninterrupted ( albeit painful) sleep! The Money, Banking & Finance End Term on the 26th had me wake up , just short of a world record.
A lot of the End Term exams were really interesting , even enjoyable!

I've managed to drink a whole litre of water, in the half hour that I've spent sitting here, writing. There was this one day that I decided to research ( aka Google) on whether drinking too much water could be a health hazard. There is condition called Hyponatremia that is possible, but only when a large amount of water is drunk in a very short time span. Hyponatremia, as the name suggests means insufficient salt in the blood. Anyway, as long as I'm drinking 6 litres through the day, I think I'll be just fine.

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