Sunday, 18 May 2014


17/05/2014 ; 18:04 :

It's raining! Rain is great. Rain is even better when it's in the middle of May! Apart from being a respite from the May-heat, it makes everything look beautiful & smell beautiful too .

18/05/2014 ; 03:11:

We decided to take advantage of the good weather & go out for a good meal. Also, we had Crossword Vouchers to redeem courtesy the Crossword competition organised by our Literary Committee aka Literar-I. While my friends chose to buy books like the normal human beings that they are, I just had to buy a combo-set of Tarot cards + Book ! I don't really know why, but, I've been meaning to learn to read Tarot cards for a long time now. I remember, at the Crossword back home, I'd stare longingly at the same combo-Tarot pack but eventually drop the idea of purchasing it for fear of my mother judging me. Anyhow, since our initial plan of buying board games was foiled , for the sole Crossword in Indore is this tiny space inside Shoppers' Stop which obviously doesn't carry board games, I very happily agreed on finally treating myself to the combo-Tarot pack. I intend learning how to read them, in the 3-week break that commences sometime soon.

We won the Inter-Batch Girls' Throwball Tournament! It was to be a best of 3 matches, but, since we won the first two matches, the need for a third did not arise.

It's surprising how much Indori people like Poha, but that's a separate idea. Remind me to write about it sometime, though!

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