26/04/2014, 13:21 :
Well, got half a day off, today. There's a creative-writing workshop, at 2 p.m. , today. More on that, once I actually attend said workshop.
Last evening saw the supposed elaborate fest meeting for 'students of all three IPM batches' . The meeting saw a much lower turn-out that anticipated, but, well, people probably had Friday evening plans. Anyhow, the Fest Events Brochure was shown to all and our fest Coordinator, Rishi spoke to everyone about our progress on the fest and the further plans to popularize the fest among the youth of the country. We have ambitious plans of inviting participation from ALL the colleges of the country!Details of all the different events of the fest were shared. 'The Game of Shadows' which is based on the Game Theory sounds really great to me, a lot because, I didn't expect someone to quite enjoy the Game Theory enough to make an actual game of it.
Well, there was a 2011 v/s/ 2013 Girls' Basketball match. 2011 Girls' put up a great show, bouncing back from 10-12 at the beginning of the last quarter to win the game by 26 to 14.
Domino's had a 'Buy 1, Get 1 Free' scheme yesterday. We quite recently discovered that a lot of restaurants in Indore city ( Indore city centre , i.e. Treasure Island Mall / the Railway station is about 16 k.m from campus) deliver food to campus, on an order over Rs. 1000 /- . So, yep, we had pizzas for dinner and gossip for dessert!
I hope the creative writing workshop is interesting!
Banner sizes that we're considering are 40x15 and 25x25.
Some knowledge on banner sizes :D
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