Tuesday, 29 April 2014


29/04/2014 , 14:56

I really need to finish writing that poem I'd started. It all began with Yash Tyagi's birthday, on the 19th of April. Wait. No. it all began with me forgetting Yash Tyagi's birthday that was on the 19th of April. Yep, that's what happened.

Then, I decided to come up with the most illustrious plan ever, to make it up to him. I fail to understand why I even need to 'make it up' . Anyway, I decided that I shall write him a poem. I started. I started rather well . I even finished, very well. But, I lost Yash somewhere, 2 stanzas down and the poem doesn't match, even though I must admit ( auto-trumpet blowing alert!) that it is rather good.

The 'Introduction to Geology' course aka 'ITG' is nearly complete. Each course entails a specific number of sessions, since the credit system followed here works as per 'time spent working on a particular course' more than anything else. Every 5 sessions of 75 minutes each earn you 1 credit. The tally for workshops is different and varies with its specifications. Almost all other courses follow the 5x75 = 1 rhythm.

There's the final of the Girls' Basketball League, this evening, at 6:45 . Finally, the league's at a close and we're in the final, yay! Yesterday, the Boys' Basketball League started too. First match, 70-36 ! What a game to watch!

Oh, and, we decided that we ought to learn the capitals of ALL the countries in the world. And, their locations too!

Apparently, a foetus has its fingers all stuck together. The lysosomes all spring into action, dissolving the skin in between fingers, freeing them.


28/04/2014 , 15:11 :

Monday. Not the least favourite day of the week anymore. Sunday is. Being at IPM has blown my week out of perspective, if I may. Thursdays are off ; that is pretty convenient , since weekday-malls are less crowded than Sunday malls plus, the factor that most service shops are closed on the weekend and hence better accessible on Thursday. Coming from the city that NEVER sleeps ( I just thought it was like that everywhere) , I see shops actually being closed here, in Indore. I learnt to appreciate a lot of things that I took for granted - Pani Puri ! I never got what the big deal about Mumbai Pani Puri was! All until I failed to find anything remotely close in Indore! And, the whole 'feel' of Mumbai ~ it isn't pegged the 'City of Dreams' for nothing.

Ah, Mumbai. But, I shouldn't drift, well, I can't. Indore's nice too ! So yep, Monday.

This Saturday was fairly eventful. Mr. Anand Neelkantan of Asura- Tale of the Vanquished fame was on campus, to talk to the IPM students about writing. More particularly, on how to be a commercially successful author, how the entire 'Publishing-House-Screening' is a rather hard thing, how exactly a story works, how a character develops, how reader interest is to be held and how best to go about completing a whole novel. His talk was very inspiring, while being in touch with the ground reality.

29/04/2014 ; 14:27

Saturday evening was spent in Indore city. We just tend to call it 'city', around here. 'Aree, is anyone going to the City today?' , and everyone knows that you mean some (most probably) mall of Indore. Indore seems to have SO many ATM's. Either the number is actually really high, or, I'm just noticing them more, since I use them a lot more than I did back at home. Back at home, money seemed to appear more from Mummy than an ATM.

Hmm, I should get exact statistics on the number of ATM's in Indore v/s the number in Mumbai. I think I should do a density measure rather than an absolute number measure, for the obvious reason that Mumbai is a lot larger.

Saturday, 26 April 2014


26/04/2014, 13:21 :

Well, got half a day off, today. There's a creative-writing workshop, at 2 p.m. , today. More on that, once I actually attend said workshop.

Last evening saw the supposed elaborate fest meeting for 'students of all three IPM batches' . The meeting saw a much lower turn-out that anticipated, but, well, people probably had Friday evening plans. Anyhow, the Fest Events Brochure was shown to all and our fest Coordinator, Rishi spoke to everyone about our progress on the fest and the further plans to popularize the fest among the youth of the country. We have ambitious plans of inviting participation from ALL the colleges of the country!Details of all the different events of the fest were shared. 'The Game of Shadows' which is based on the Game Theory sounds really great to me, a lot because, I didn't expect someone to quite enjoy the Game Theory enough to make an actual game of it.

Well, there was a 2011 v/s/ 2013 Girls' Basketball match. 2011 Girls' put up a great show, bouncing back from 10-12 at the beginning of the last quarter to win the game by 26 to 14.

Domino's had a 'Buy 1, Get 1 Free' scheme yesterday. We quite recently discovered that a lot of restaurants in Indore city ( Indore city centre , i.e. Treasure Island Mall / the Railway station is about 16 k.m from campus) deliver food to campus, on an order over Rs. 1000 /- . So, yep, we had pizzas for dinner and gossip for dessert!

I hope the creative writing workshop is interesting!

Banner sizes that we're considering are 40x15 and 25x25.
Some knowledge on banner sizes :D

Friday, 25 April 2014


22/04/2014 , 01:22 a.m.

The evening of 20th April aka Sunday saw an almost thunderstorm on campus. Lovely, breezy, well, nearly stormy evening! The wind was all there, the rain didn't seem to want to comply. Anyhoo, it was a much- needed, much- appreciated respite from the heat.

23/04/2014, 02:53 a.m.

It rained this evening! Well, drizzled really, but yeah. IPM's Sports Comm. is all enthused. Currently, a boys' cricket league & a girls' basketball league are in progress. IPM-3 beat IPM-1 , 20-14, basketball, this evening.

The IPM students are all geared up to hold our first ever fest, in September. Atharv 2014! Sounds all grand to me. We're currently working on inviting some big names from the industry, to grace the occasion with their presence.

25/04/2014 , 02:05.

We're also working on the content for the FaceBook page. The fest logo is nearly finalized. Let's hope I can get my hands on it, soon!
Tomorrow, uh, today i.e. Friday evening , 6:30 will see a student body meet, to discuss the fest. The excitement in the air is palpable !

We've been playing Basketball a lot more often, of late. The new Basketball court in SR 11 ( Student Residence aka Hostel Block No. 11) is probably good reason. There's another, newer, under-construction Basketball court. I have very definite plans of being the one to inaugurate it. (Hopefully, I won't miss shooting that first basket!)

Elections took place in Madhya Pradesh today. Lot of my friends back home went out to vote . Unfortunately, I couldn't , owing mainly to my absence from my home-town. Rakhi Sawant is contesting as an independent candidate, from one of the constituencies back home!

Sanjana procured lemons, soda & mint last night. Our hostel witnessed a community drinking of mojitos (virgin, of course). It was good fun! Especially since it followed up on the badminton games! Yep, games. What began with two bored girls and a couple of racquets progressed into a grand spectacle, with a total of eight racquets making appearances out of nowhere. I'm sure it was a debut appearance for some of those racquets! ( Two virgins in one night? That ought to count as a feat!)

Oh, and, I got trolled by the sun, today. The lazy genius that I am, believed that 2p.m was the perfect time to have a bath. I was warned of hot water, but, well, I assumed that it'd be warm and decided to go ahead. It was warm, good warm. But, as soon as my head was covered with shampoo, the water decided that it just had to boil . And, there I was, with a head full of shampoo and a shower running boiling water. What a situation that was!

On occasion of Shakespeare's 450th birthday, our very own Literary Committee organized a screening of 'The Complete Works of Shakespeare' by the famous 'Reduced Shakespeare Company'. 88 minutes, and all of Shakespeare. I didn't realise that that was even humanly possible!

There's a German mid-term, tomorrow, for some certain select population that decided to study German. It's of course, a half-day off for the rest of us.

Still ought to sleep!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


20/04/2014, 01:53 . . .


I did go attend the Mimicry Competition, and, it was real good, though more participation would’ve been great! Plus, there were a couple of good entries for the Short-Film Competition, with a tie for the winner.

‘ShankhNaad’ ended on a high note with a Caribbean-themed DJ party open to all!

And, with that presumably high note, I'll end this post too !

Friday, 18 April 2014


And, I thought 26th was a big deal. My clock now reads 15:49 , 18/04/2104. The only solace is the fact that I actually finally remembered.
17th-18th, i.e. yesterday & today is seeing ‘ShankhNaad’ -an intra-IPM fest of sorts, with varied events being organized by different committees of the IPM Student Activity Council.
It began with the LAN Gaming Event - CS, FIFA '13 , NFS -Most Wanted , DOTA & Flappy Birds/Subway Surf for non-gamers like me, all run by the Activity Comm aka Anustha. It ran on three evenings, greeted with much enthusiasm.
The Sports Comm. has been at organizing ALL the events before the end of this Academic year, with a just concluded Boys' Volleyball and a very much in-progress Girls' Basketball & our very own IPL.
Literar-i , well , the Literary Comm., organized a JAM-Just A Minute. I hadn't participated in one before, and it was really interesting.
THe Performing Arts Comm, i.e. Beat-i-fic had arranged a 'Battle of Bands' in the evening, with 4 different bands coming in to perform.

18th Morning began with Social Club Aarohan's 'Avdhaarna' , a competition that involved people pitching ideas for 'sustainable' changes on the campus, for the benefit of all.
Retorica- the Debating Society ran 'EconJuncture' - a game that truly tested the student's ease with economics, dealing with only everyday application of economics. It was a really well thought-out event and made me realise how much economics I do not know.
To begin soon is the 'Mimicry Competition' & 'Directors' Cut' - short-film making, both planed by Adaa- Drama Comm. I think I should go attend, it's to begin at the auditorium , soon.


Well, it's been a while. 18/04/2014

Okay, it was the end of the 15th when I thought about getting this written. And, it's the middle of the 16th now.
Anyhoo, it is a good 10 days since the last thing I wrote.

The trick is not to get repetitive. That might be a problem with these initial few posts where the first thing to do is to establish a fair idea of the campus in an outsider’s head, but, it’ll have to do.

Damn, it’s nearly the end of 16th too. Some dedication. IGNOU exams are in full swing. 3 down ( 4 for the B.Comm guys) and 2 to go.

It’s the middle of the 17th, now. At this rate, I’m totally gonna have this page full of posts.

Yesterday turned out to be an almost impromptu holiday, courtesy cancelled classes & IGNOU ka Accounts paper. Watched Hobbit 2: The Desolation of Smaug. Good movie; worth a watch. I like practically anything that’s in 3-D anyway, so, that was a big plus !

The ‘Kachori/Snack/ Poha Point’ is now open from 8am to 8pm. Nothing beats oily samosas for breakfast, yay! He now also boasts a different menu everyday which repeats after certain interval. Tuesday & Thursday is Panipuri day ; Wednesday is for Chole-Samosa ; Friday means Vada Pav; and, Poha is made every day , for, well, this IS Indore.

And, the hostel authorities took it upon themselves to ‘search’ every room in the boys’ hostel for objectionable objects – not weed & alcohol but electric fans ( seriously? How much electricity does a fan even consume?) and irons(understandable), confiscating all that was found. 21st!

And, we had this Secret Santa thing organised by our very own IPM Magazine- Chiraag, for students of all three batches. It took a lot of work and was efficiently organised and, Christmas was good 
Lot of people received a lot of nice presents. Merry Christmas!

And, I think I deserve an award or something, now! 26th, 00:15, as my laptop clock tells me. There’s a Physics Mid-term in the morning, 9:30, I believe.