Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Again, 4th , by the virtue of the 12 am ( rule ? ) .

Technology is EVERYWHERE.We've all read those instances of people trying to 'use' 'Copy-Paste' on a physical book. Honestly, I found that hilarious and unbelievable. All up until today. I almost, no not almost, I did it! I was reading an actual physical book, and swiped my finger down the page in an attempt to move the text up, just as I would've done on my phone! As much as I hate to admit, fact is , I have been reading too much on my phone. In my defence, it's been a while since I picked up a 'real' book.

A Pani-Puri fellow has come and parked himself on campus. We assume( well, more , hope) that he is here to stay. The best Pani-Puri that I've managed to find in Indore after SO much looking. Right on campus! Perhaps, since the mess food had gotten unbearably horrible, the mess facility is now optional, making other food availability more feasible. It's just more work . Instead of a single transaction to pay my fees - tuition, mess, hostel et all , I must now make a separate payment, directly to the Mess Vendor . Bearable. I must also get a 'Mess Card' issued, EACH month . Just when you thought they couldn't get any more efficient. Only the thought that a certain small percentage (15%?) has actually opted out of the 'horrendous' mess service makes it forcibly tolerable. Someone benefits.
Meanwhile, 26 - Apna IIM-Indore ka very own( well, not technically, but, sentimentally) dhaba continues to draw more people than before with their 'Complimentary Coke Bottle' scheme. I think it's the food but, well.

The 'Time-Table Planning Committee' is doing a better (worse?) job than ever before. Classes now run from 6:15am to 7:45pm. Well, for the day, they did. Thank God for electives. They let you have that short 75min (that's one lecture) respite from the loads of class hours. At least the classes ( well, quite a few of 'em) are interesting.

And, with the IGNOU exams right around the corner, all of us 'plan' to study. With all those 'B-Plan Competition' prizes we've won, we sure are good at just that - Planning !

Ideology v/s Discourse -- An ideology is unchallenged , doesn't have any counter-theories / arguments to it ; A discourse has theories & counter-theories, is under constant scrutiny and is subject to change.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Technically, it's the 3rd of December. It's the night of 2nd , if I may. I'd have liked to start writing this on the 1st of December, simply for the thrill of starting on the '1st' of something! 1st January would've been too cliched, making it seem like one of those New Year Resolutions. The plan was to start writing the day I got here, sometime in the October of last year, recording my experiences for posterity. But, well, the production line faced some technical difficulties, namely laziness & procrastination.

But, well, finally, here we, well I, are ! Campus is pretty happening, I must admit. Today evening saw organized intra-college Cricket matches as well as the IBL, the Indore Basketball League for the uninformed. Classes come & go, these things are the bigger, the easier-to-recollect memories. There's SO much to say & so little, well, inclination to do the job of putting it down in words, here.

'Little drops of water maketh the ocean' . Little clusters of sentences will eventually make an unbroken picture!